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Articles tagged with: Joint Statistical Meetings 2022

Member News, Quality and Productivity, Section News »

[1 Feb 2023 | Comments Off on Quality and Productivity Section News | ]

Check out what members of the Quality and Productivity Section has been up to and what they have planned for the rest of the year.

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[1 Nov 2022 | Comments Off on Annual JSM Statistical Significance Competition Sees Many Winners | ]

The competition is designed to complement the ASA Statistical Significance documents, a series highlighting the contributions statisticians make to society.

Chapter News, Member News »

[1 Nov 2022 | Comments Off on 2022 COCGB Workshop Focuses on Increasing, Diversifying Membership | ]

Representatives and officers from ASA chapters attended the Council of Chapters Governing Board workshop at JSM 2022 for presentations from longtime ASA members, as well as break-out sessions for participants to share experiences, generate ideas, and network with others.

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[1 Nov 2022 | Comments Off on Passion for Data Literacy Puts Member on Capitol Hill | ]

Leslie McClure participated in the ASA’s JSM Congressional Visits Day to advocate for data literacy and statistics education.

Additional Features, My ASA Story »

[1 Aug 2022 | One Comment | ]

Anja Zgodic initially appreciated the ASA for its networking opportunities, but has now become a passionate member of the Committee on Statistics and Disability.

Columns, Stats4Good »

[1 Jul 2022 | Comments Off on JSM 2022: A World of Innovation in Data for Good | ]

David Corliss offers tips to help Data for Good practitioners get the most out of the Joint Statistical Meetings in Washington, DC.

Additional Features, ASA GivesBack »

[1 Jul 2022 | Comments Off on ASA GivesBack: Stories from the Fields  | ]

The six GivesBack members recently held a panel discussion in which they talked about ways their jobs are engaged in giving back to public health, society, and drug development.

Additional Features, Featured »

[1 Jul 2022 | Comments Off on Committee on Career Development Plans Pre-JSM Networking Event | ]
Committee on Career Development Plans Pre-JSM Networking Event

The Committee on Career Development has several events offering tips to help JSM 2022 attendees network at the meetings.