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Articles tagged with: privacy

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[1 Nov 2023 | No Comment | ]
JSM Session Touches on Equity

Sunghee Lee, Claire McKay Bowen, and Amanda Coston discussed racial bias, privacy concerns, and the fairness or unfairness of predictive algorithms at the 2023 Joint Statistical Meetings.

Stats4Good »

[1 Jul 2023 | Comments Off on JSM 2023: D4G Informing Decisions and Driving Discovery | ]

This month, David Corliss shares some of the Data for Good events happening at JSM 2023. You won’t want to miss these.

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[1 May 2023 | Comments Off on Applying Equity Awareness in Statistical Data Privacy Takes a Village | ]
Applying Equity Awareness in Statistical Data Privacy Takes a Village

Authors Claire McKay Bowen and Joshua Snoke examined the current state of ideas about privacy-preserving methods and data sharing. Learn about their five takeaways.

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[1 Sep 2022 | Comments Off on Prescribing Privacy: Human and Computational Resource Limitations | ]
Prescribing Privacy: Human and Computational Resource Limitations

Jingchen (Monika) Hu and Claire McKay Bowen look at how statisticians and data scientists can improve data privacy and confidentiality in our local—as well as federal—government and why they should.

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[1 Apr 2022 | Comments Off on New Developments in Synthetic Data Generation: Privacy Day Webinar Summary | ]

As the world grapples with how best to share confidential data, there is a rising interest in synthetic data methods, which are used to protect confidentiality of microdata units.

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[1 Feb 2022 | Comments Off on State of the Data Infrastructure Series: Census Bureau | ]
State of the Data Infrastructure Series: Census Bureau

For the latest State of the Data Infrastructure feature, Count on Stats spoke with three experts about the US Census Bureau: Margo Anderson of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, an expert on the history of the bureau and federal statistical system; Allison Plyer, chief demographer of The Data Center and recent chair of the bureau’s Scientific Advisory Committee; and Nancy Potok, most recently chief statistician of the US who, most notably, has also been deputy director and chief operating officer of the bureau and deputy undersecretary for economic affairs at the US Department of Commerce.

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[1 Dec 2021 | Comments Off on Claire McKay Bowen Talks Data Privacy | ]
Claire McKay Bowen Talks Data Privacy

Claire McKay Bowen, author of Protecting Your Privacy in a Data-Driven World, talks about her book and ideas about data privacy in this interview.

Committees, Member News, Privacy and Confidentiality Committee »

[1 Jul 2021 | Comments Off on Committee on Privacy and Confidentiality News for June 2021 | ]

Members of the ASA’s Committee on Privacy and Confidentiality will present at JSM 2021 and the 2021 World Statistics Congress.

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[1 Jan 2021 | Comments Off on Webinar: Privacy Risk and Preservation | ]

Countries and regions around the world have developed and deployed COVID-19 contact tracing software or mobile apps. While contact tracing plays an important role in the pandemic, red flags have been raised regarding the privacy risk associated with the contact tracing apps and software. Tune in to this webinar hosted by ASA Committee on Privacy and Confidentiality as Fang Liu discusses the effectiveness of privacy-preserving measures.

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[1 Oct 2020 | Comments Off on ASA DataFest 2020: A Virtual Experience | ]

The 2020 DataFest was held as a virtual data challenge in which students worked in teams to explore an impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic.